Thursday, December 31, 2009

Moving on into a new Page

Happy new 2010 to you all.

Wow, we made it! God is indeed a good God.

What a year it's been. So many events, a lot of drama, close calls, heartache but most of all absolutely wonderful times. Quite frankly it's been a hard year but we are not in jail nor 6 feet beneath. We serve an awesome God.

So what does 2010 hold for me?

I learnt a lot of lessons this year which I've inscribed on the tablets of my heart. I've had to follow God with my eyes closed cos looking around made me freeze. I've come to realize that you can never get it wrong with God in the picture, directing the full production of your life. He's the greatest producer of all time!
I'm definitely doing some things differently this new year. I'm getting a life! LOL. I am definitely going to have the time of my life. God gives each new day as a present, that is why it's called the present........I plan to enjoy each one as it comes. God is definitely going to ask me what I did with my life and looking back, am I going to tell him I spent it all at the office...............................NO WAY!!!!!!!!!

There is much joy to be gotten in giving so I intend to give, give and give and still give. Give God my time, Give my family and friends my time, Give gifts to people who never had, Give clothes to the naked, Give food to the hungry, Give hugs to the lonely, Stand in the gap for those oppressed, Give love to those who need it, Give knowledge to the simple, Give attention to those God has placed in my hands.
I know many of us, like me, have prayed to get one or several things from God but going beyond that, I will spend this year giving. It is more blessed to give than to receive.

I am going to give my very best to the projects I initiate. I hope I shall not kill my gym instructor with this new zeal of mine. It's in the plan to learn to swim, I hope I don't drown him first........naughty me.
God will definitely do his part, i must do mine well.

I pray this new year will be a much better year for you in all ramifications of your life.

I've talked about me, what about you?

Well, all I will say to you my friend reading is: IMPROVE THE WORTH OF YOUR LIFE.
Stop planning and start doing. you've had years to plan and fine tune the plans. Now is the time to start moving forward and upward as God will help.

Make God proud of you because after all has been said and done, He matters the most.

Love you and enjoy this blessed new year.

I am.........

My photo
Lagos, Nigeria
Blonde, nigerian, complex, fun and saved!